
Company News
Vigorously promote enterprise reform to broaden the innovation and development
Date£º2015/11/30    Hits£º6413

Dalian Special Steel Products Company in accordance with the company's development plan and related unified deployment, focus on hard tackling, comprehensively promote the development of enterprises reform. According to their actual production and operation, combined with deep-rooted problems in October the company management and various steel products co mining, find the root cause, has enacted 73 measures of reform and innovation. Among them, 22 integrated management, 16 construction projects and equipment management, six of financial management, human resources, 6, 10 asset management, marketing eight, five R & D technology.
          By the end of November, is expected to be completed by the reform and innovation measures 31, expected to be completed by December 61, other projects will be completed in accordance with the time node fast forward. Measures by the method of reform and innovation, the effect and the effect achieved is already starting to show. Steel products company has been at the forge ahead, reduce the burden on the fast development track. And will continue to reform and innovation as the core, fine scale for the direction of lean management as the starting point, a comprehensive reform and innovation development.
The main results and effects achieved in reform and innovation is reflected in:
1, the import and export business to innovate, will be incorporated into the relevant business group ITC platform company
Steel Products Company allocated to the import and export business group ITC companies operating business is performed by the Group of International Trade Company internet. Beginning October 28 the two sides work approached; November 5, ITC company a total of 35 people to be trained to learn special steel products company, and the sales staff assigned to the task of special steel products company selling products; November 22, International Trade Company first order, that is Turkey's largest customers have begun to purchase steel products ordered band saw blade sawing perfectly incremental export business opened a new chapter of development.
2, to solve bloated, reducing layers of management, streamlining organizational reform
Steel products Dept of the original company, import and export, sales, finance, manufacturing department, equipment department, technology department, quality department a total of eight departments, compressed and adapted for Business, Finance, Manufacturing Division , operation of the four departments. Among them, the former manufacturing department manufacturing department, equipment department, technology department and quality department reorganized; import and export business of the former Ministry of the original sales department reorganized. After the reform greatly improving the management efficiency and management level, good work carried out within the company communicate and implementation.
3, of the employment system reform, the department in charge of staff competition for employment
According to the new institutional settings, special steel products company leadership team members directly serve each Chief, down the management chain, directly bear the professional tasks, efficiency is greatly improved. In addition the department supervisor in full by Dalian base were open competition, effective implementation of "the capable, under the" management philosophy and innovative management ideas, competition results was released on November 20 within the company, the competent have begun taking a post as a follow-up to the company "to promote reform, management innovation" provides support force.
4, for all management positions reform, and greatly reduce the proportion of managers
According to the company's capacity to re-program, combined with special steel products company set up a new organizational structure, the respective management positions again a scientific and rational design. The number of existing management staff of 18 people compressed to 9 people, managers compressed capacity accounted for 6.47 percent of the number of managers lose clear supplementary to the production line. After the reform and management center down, but good soldiers and more innovative take on awareness greatly enhanced.
5, of the personnel system reform, one post more energy, optimizing staff positions
By effectively carry out related work, to further address the overstaffing, waste of human resources and other issues. Steel products company by merging job integration staff, change management and other ways to streamline, so that each employee have become generalists, all the experts, can be responsible for several positions work, do not meet the conditions through training and learning, still up It requires less streamlined out directly. At the same time according to the actual production of each step, conduct a more post system, there is no fixed job, but the deployment of personnel based on the actual workload. Thus the maximum degree of application and optimization of human resources. Reform and innovation work carried out by post, is expected as of November 30, we will streamline off 22 employees, attrition proportion reached 15%.
6, business reform and innovation, and vigorously promote the development of domestic raw materials
Steel products company back hand saw blade made of 6150 (50CrV4), imported raw materials required. To reduce cost and improve the market competitiveness of domestic raw materials and vigorously promote the innovative work carried out. Has signed with outstanding domestic suppliers supply agreement, expected in mid-December will provide steel products, if the test result is good, the back of the hand saw blade material localization work will be a successful conclusion. After further research and development work carried out jointly with the X32 Blade material back, will greatly reduce purchasing costs, improve product gross margin, the market more competitive.
7, wage salary system reform, piecework wage system, stimulate the enthusiasm of staff
Steel products produced by the company's products are hardware tools, combined with the characteristics of the product itself and the binding nature of the post operation performed piecework wages settlement system for each step of each post, more work, less earn less, the maximum limits to stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff work. While improving the quality awareness, in strict accordance with standard practice, the process through self-inspection, mutual inspection and sampling, etc., for their employees to produce quality products and full responsibility. Product quality problems the product is no piecework, but according to different situations accountable quality claims. Piecework reform after each staff positions disciplined, careful operation, while improving motivation, sense of responsibility, sense of play have been greatly enhanced.
8, to conduct research projects Chuangxiao, full stimulate innovation awareness
Chuangxiao fully carry out research activities to stimulate the staff's creativity and enthusiasm. In the first half of enrolling a total of 120 rationalization proposals, piecemeal reform 80, 20 company-level research projects, in many ways, the work efficiency, improve the quality of implementation and other innovative work to reduce costs have made great contributions . Projects are currently in a tight smooth implementation.
         Through the implementation of the unified arrangements of the company, in promoting reform and innovation with the help of special steel products company recognize the difference, vigorously rectification, all parties concerned have made great progress and improvement. Not only the status of the company have a clear and accurate understanding of management control weaknesses and problems in all aspects of the root causes, but also solve the bloated, reducing layers of management, greatly improving the management efficiency, enhance the management team management capabilities. The most important is a tremendous impact on all employees thinking, reform and innovation consciousness deep understanding victory further strengthened the confidence of the company's rapid development!

Copyright Dongbei Special Steel Group Dalian Special Steel Co., Ltd. 
Address£º25 Harbin Road, Dalian Development Zone in Liaoning Province

TEL£º0411-87616308 FAX£º0411-87620923